The listed monument inscribed with the name Nawruz Kihkya al-Jawishiyya and the date 941/1534 is now known as the shrine of Shaykh Rayhan. Older maps show that the shrine had been located in an enclosure adjacent to this monument, and the perceptual shift of Rayhan to the Nawruz Maqsura seems to have happened after the mid 20th century, probably by the turabi to replace it with a hawsh and sell it. Rayhan is known for the power or karama of healing children. In the 1930s Hasan Qasim identified this shrine as that of Sana & Thana (two mythical sisters and descendants of the prophet mentioned in the late medieval ziyara (visitation) books. During the last two years, this identification was adopted and the shrine is now signposted as such in the shrine and publicized in the neighbouring mosque of al-Sayyida A’isha. Read More


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